Safeguarding Policy

We take the security and safety of our church members and visitors seriously. So, in line with The Synod guidelines, we have prepared and implemented a Safeguarding Policy. This policy is reviewed annually by the Elders.

The Policy and Policy Statement can be downloaded in full by following the links below. The abstracts provide a guide to what is contained in the documents.

Safeguarding Policy

The aim of this policy is to ensure that protecting people from abuse, harm or neglect is central to our culture. It provides procedures for promoting safeguarding, preventing abuse and protecting children, adults at risk and staff. The document includes clear procedures for taking appropriate action when safeguarding concerns are raised involving children and adults withing our church, or those who attend our activities and events.

Safeguarding Policy Statement

A signed statement of commitment, agreed by the eldership of Caterham United Reformed Church on 15th January 2025, to following legislation, government and URC's policy and good practice guidelines on safeguarding children and adults in need of protection, including safer recruitment for workers.