Church Meeting

The Church Meeting is ultimate authority of this church

The URC website defines the function of the Church Meeting as follows:

The Church Meeting of the local church shall consist of those persons who have been admitted to the full privileges and responsibilities of membership of the United Reformed Church and whose names are included on the membership roll of such local church. The church meeting may invite other persons who regularly worship with the local church but whose names are not on the membership roll to attend and speak at its meetings on particular occasions but no such person shall have the right to vote. In the church meeting which shall meet at least once a quarter and at which the minister or one of the ministers shall normally preside, the members have opportunity through discussion, responsible decision and care for one another, to strengthen each other's faith and to foster the life, work and mission of the Church.


Concerning the outgoing of the Church:

(i) to further the Church's mission in the locality;

(ii) to develop local ecumenical relationships;

(iii) to further the Church's compassionate ministry in the locality and throughout the world;

(iv) to consider and support the wider work of the Church at home and abroad;

(v) to consider public questions in relation to the Christian faith;

(vi) to bring concerns for consideration by the elders' meeting and wider councils of the church.

Concerning the nurture of the fellowship:

(vii) to call a minister or Church Related Community Worker (CRCW) with the concurrence of the synod(s) (see paragraph 2 (4) (A)(vii)); (Where two or more local churches have formed a group or joint pastorate in accordance with Paragraph 1(1)(b) or (c) above on the decision of synod under its function 2(4)(A)(iii), the church meetings of each church may, with the agreement of the synod and so long as the group constitution or the statement of intent as appropriate shall so provide, join together as a group or joint pastorate church meeting for the purpose of calling a minister or CRCW, in which case this function shall be exercised by the group or joint pastorate church meeting.);

(viii) to elect elders and officers, determining their number and period of service, and representatives to wider councils;

(ix) to admit and transfer members, to maintain standards of membership, and to suspend or remove names from the membership roll, always on advice from the elders' meeting;

(x) to consider, always on advice from the elders' meeting, any application for recognition as a candidate for the ministry or for service as a CRCW and to transmit it, if approved, to the synod;

(xi) to adopt financial reports;

(xii) to receive reports and proposals from the elders' meeting, district council, synod and General Assembly and to authorise appropriate action;

(xiii) on the recommendation of the elders' meeting to make or provide for the making of arrangements for the proper maintenance of buildings and the general oversight of all the financial responsibilities of the local church.

And generally:

(xiv) to do such other things as may be necessary in pursuance of its responsibility for the common life of the Church.